Utilisation of services
Are parents and other caregivers accessing basic services, such as primary healthcare, childcare and public spaces? Pregnant women, young children and caregivers need some services more frequently than other groups.
Why focus on this?
Families need support to provide nurturing and responsive care for young children. Whether and how caregivers use services tells us two things: if services are accessible, and if caregivers are integrated into formal city systems and reached by public policies. It is vital to assess the various barriers faced by different sub-groups of caregivers when accessing services. This then allows for further consideration of what additional interventions may be required to support the most vulnerable.
The ability to use and enjoy services related to the urban environment, such as public spaces and transport, is often affected by the way that different groups in society, such as men and women, are treated. Since caregivers with young children are among the most vulnerable groups, focusing on their utilisation of services is useful in ensuring that city policies actively promote fair access to urban resources in general. Learn more about how access to healthy food, green space and protection from noise and air pollution influence child development.
Sample indicators
Number and percentage of:
- Children under five years of age enrolled in informal childcare, formal childcare or preschool
- Children under five years of age and their caregivers making use of key public spaces (streets, plazas, parks and playgrounds)
- Households with children under five years of age who reside within 10-15 minutes walking, cycling or by public transit from key services such as healthcare, education, public space, public transportation and job opportunities