Jornada Online Primeira Infância (JOPI) is the online training tool used to train the social workers delivering Criança Feliz, a national early childhood home visiting program in Brazil that supports over 1.2 million families from pregnancy through age 6. JOPI was initiated in 2019 as a program to train home visitors over a WhatsApp chatbot (JOPI 1); however, given the high turnover rate among home visitors, it was strategically redesigned in 2022 to support supervisors (JOPI 2).
JOPI 2 is now offered as a self-paced online course hosted on Grano, a learning management platform with a focus on training in three key areas – pregnancy, use of screens among children and caregivers, and children with disabilities. While JOPI 1 is not currently actively updated or disseminated, interested users can access the content through the Ministry of Social Protection website.