Mobile Academy uses an automated phone-based technology (Interactive Voice Response or IVR) to provide a refresher Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health training course to Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA), who are community health workers in India. In response to the lack of regularly scheduled refresher trainings, the tool provides pre-recorded audio modules aimed to promote the knowledge of preventative life-saving health behaviors and improve quality of engagement with pregnant women, new mothers and their families. The implementation of Mobile Academy is currently managed by ARMMAN, a non-profit organization in India, in partnership with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW). Having trained over 300,000 ASHAs across 17 states, Mobile Academy has been recognized as the largest mobile-based training program for frontline health care workers across the world.
Mobile Academy is implemented alongside Kilkari, a complementary service that targets pregnant women and new mothers, and shares tips and resources via recorded voice calls directly to their phones. This ensures continuity of care as the messages mothers receive through Kilkari are reinforced by ASHA workers who use Mobile Academy. More information on Kilkari can be found here.