The Thrive by Five program supports parents and caregivers of children aged 0-5 by providing 100+ fun and easy to understand, evidence-based parenting activities that reflect their local contexts. The primary goal of the program is to empower parents and caregivers to have more frequent and quality interactions with children. One of the primary means to reach parents and caregivers is the Thrive by Five app, currently available in 10 countries across Africa and Asia.
The content’s activities elevate local parenting practices through illustrations and examples that are unique to each country. All the content in the app has been validated by in-country experts and caregivers through an extensive localization and co-design process (see case study). To improve accessibility and reach communities with low literacy, the app content can be fully accessed through audio recordings and also disseminated through other channels like radio, printed assets, and on-the-ground activations (community health workers in Namibia, educarers in Indonesia, regional lectures in Kyrgyzstan, etc.) based on local needs. In addition, the content is also available through a Whatsapp chatbot in Cameroon, Namibia, Kyrgyzstan, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.